How We Do It

Trigger Point Release

Sore muscles develop what we call trigger points, which are tight tender sore spots in the muscles. You might have heard them called knots.

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Trigger Point Release


Therapists have been using manipulation for hundreds of years. It involves quickly opening a joint in the body, faster than the muscles can switch on to stop it, usually resulting in a click.

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At Thamesway we use the traditional and modern approaches to treat muscle spasm and pain which cause trigger points, sometimes called dry needling.

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Core Stability Pilates and Yoga

In the back and front of the tummy there are both supporting and moving muscles. Core stability is good when those supporting muscles work well and poor when they don’t.

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Core Stability Pilates and Yoga

IAM Massage

The Graston Technique® was originally conceived by an engineer from the USA who injured his knee water skiing.

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IAM Massage

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